Inno Setup 5.3.7 - Full version

Inno Setup 5.3.7 - Full version

Inno Setup is a versatile tool for creating executable (EXE) files, installers, which has at its disposal many useful functions.
For example, when creating a new distribution will help a special "master" (wizard), and in the process, you can configure many different settings. In addition, Inno Setup allows you to specify all entries in the registry and initialization, choose whether the program will automatically be loaded with the launch of the operating system and add its icon to the Start menu, and also equips each distribution system properly removed from the system.

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IndigoRose Setup Factory v8.2.1 Retail

IndigoRose Setup Factory v8.2.1 Retail

IndigoRose Setup Factory v8.2.1 Retail | 31.34 MB

Setup Factory 8 is the result of over a decade of experience in creating software installation tools. Unlike other Windows installer builders that require week-long training courses in order to get up to speed, Setup Factory was designed to be fast and easy to use. By pairing a visual layout of your software’s files and folders with a point-and-click interface, the entire process becomes completely logical and absolutely painless. What’s more,Setup Factory creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from Windows 95 all the way up to Windows 7. It’s the perfect install maker for distributing software by web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN. Setup Factory 8 is simply a better way to make software installers. We guarantee it or you’ll get your money back.

• Rapid Installer Development. With Setup Factory 8, you simply drag and drop your files onto the project window, and click on the publish button. That’s it. It’s really that simple. You’ll be up and running in minutes. The Project Wizard can even walk you through it. Whether you want to create shortcut icons on the desktop and start menu, or configure an uninstaller in the control panel’s Add/Remove Programs panel, it’s all just a few clicks away. The same thing goes for adding in third-party runtime modules, with support for Visual Basic, .NET and more.

• Powerful Enough For Any Installation Task. When you want the ultimate in power and flexibility, you can turn to the all-new scripting engine found inSetup Factory 8. This easy to understand language features everything from loops and conditions to functions, variables and arrays. It’s packed with hundreds of functions to handle everything from text file editing to system registry changes. You can execute programs, call DLL functions, manipulate strings, enumerate processes, interact with web scripts and much more. And thanks to the fill-in-the-blanks style Action Wizard, anybody can create powerful installers that handle complex installation tasks with ease.

• Fully Customizable. While other installer builders make you settle for the same old look, Setup Factory 8 includes an innovative visual theme system and full featured dialog editor. Choose from dozens of pre-made themes or even make your own. It’s as easy as viewing a live dialog preview and picking your favorite style. You can configure everything from fonts and banners to graphics, colors and much more. Whether you want your installers to look corporate, modern or artistic, you can do it with ease.

• Trusted and Reliable. We’ve been making software installation tools since the Compatible with Windows 7days of Windows 3.0. We’ve learned a lot over the years. That’s why you can count on Setup Factory to make sure your software installation process is as smooth and trouble-free as possible. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of our setup.exe files out there. That’s a lot of trust. And each one is proudly serving as a banner for its company’s reputation. It’s something we take very seriously. You can leverage our years of experience making rock-solid software installers by choosingSetup Factory 8.


Import Data Dari Excel Ke MS-Access 2003 Menggunakan VB6 dan ADODB

logo-import-xls-mdbUntuk mempermudah memasukkan data master program POS (Point Of Sales), maka saya  tambahkan fasilitas yaitu untuk  Import file XLS ke dalam table Database MS-Access.Seringkali user mengeluh karena banyaknya data barang yang harus dimasukkan yang kadang berjumlah ribuan. Maka dengan fasilitas ini, user hanya tinggal membuat file excel.
Beberapa aturan agar file excel bisa dibuka dengan ADODB adalah :
  1. Baris paling atas adalah menunjukkan nama field, jadi sebisa mungkin tidak ada baris kosong di baris paling atas (belum pernah saya coba)
  2. Usahakan agar kolom di paling atas diisi dengan nilai tanpa spasi karena ini menunjukkan nama field
  3. Nama table adalah sheet di excel diakhiri dengan tanda “$”, jadi jika anda ingin membuka sheet1 dengan SQL, maka statement yang digunakan adalah : “SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]“
Algoritma pemrogramannya adalah seperti ini :
  1. Buka koneksi ke excel dengan adodb
  2. Buka recordset excel dengan adodb
  3. Buka koneksi ke database Access dengan adodb
  4. Buka recordset Access dengan adodb
  5. Lakukan looping recordset excel
  6. Selama belum End-Of-File, lakukan penambahan record di recordset Access
  7. Selesai
Berikut Codenya :
Dim conn_xls As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs_xls As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim jml_rec As Integer Dim conn_mdb As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs_mdb As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs_harga As New ADODB.Recordset
‘koneksi xls
conn_xls.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & App.Path & "\import\master.xls" & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""
‘rs xls
rs_xls.Open "SELECT COUNT(*) AS jml_rec FROM [sheet1$]", conn_xls
jml_rec = rs_xls!jml_rec
rs_xls.Open "SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]", conn_xls
‘koneksi mdb
conn_mdb.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & App.Path & "\store.mdb;" & _
"Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password"
‘rs mdb
rs_mdb.Open "master", conn_mdb, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdTableDirect
rs_harga.Open "harga", conn_mdb, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
Dim i As Integer
Dim sCaption As String
sCaption = Caption
Caption = "Please Wait…"
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
cmdImportMst.Visible = False
prgBar.Visible = True
prgBar.Max = jml_rec
While Not rs_xls.EOF
  rs_mdb!plu = rs_xls!plu
  rs_mdb!barcode = rs_xls!barcode
  rs_mdb!descp = rs_xls!descp
  rs_mdb!sdescp = rs_xls!descp
  rs_mdb!conv1 = 1
  rs_mdb!conv2 = 1
  rs_mdb!onhand = 0
  rs_mdb!satuan = "PCS"
  rs_mdb!stokmax = rs_xls!stokmax
  rs_mdb!stokmin = rs_xls!stokmin
  rs_harga!plu = rs_xls!plu
  rs_harga!hrgbeli2 = rs_xls!harga_beli
  rs_harga!hrgjual2 = rs_xls!harga_jual
  rs_harga!isi2 = 1
  rs_harga!hrgjual1 = 0
  rs_harga!isi1 = 1
  rs_harga!tglubah = Date
  rs_harga!kodeuser = 0
  i = i + 1
  prgBar.Value = i
Caption = sCaption
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
prgBar.Visible = False
cmdImportMst.Visible = True
MsgBox "Import Selesai.", vbExclamation, "Information"


Compress EXE menggunakan Universal Packer for eXecutables (UPX)

Apabila anda membuat program dengan menggunakan Visual Basic atau Delphi, lalu mengcompilenya menjadi file executable atau exe dan merasa tidak puas dengan ukuran yang dihasilkan, gunakan saja program kecil ini. Namanya UPX, singkatan dari Universal Packer for eXecutables. Sesuai dengan namanya, file ini bisa mengcompress ukuran file exe menjadi kecil, atau bahkan sangat kecil.
Seperti anda lihat pada gambar di bawah ini, file sis.exe dengan ukuran awal 932KB setelah compress menjadi hanya 195KB.upx1
Program ini berjalan di lingkungan Dos. Bisa juga menggunakan drag and drop di windows. Drag file exe yang akan dicompress ke file upx.exe.
Syntax untuk mengcompress file exe di lingkungan dos:
upx -9 file.exe
-9 adalah tingkat compress paling besar. Untuk syntax lengkap silahkan ketik perintah upx tanpa parameter atau upx –help.
upx juga tersedia untuk linux, tapi penulis belum pernah mencoba.
Silahkan download upx terbaru di sini. Semoga bermanfaat.